Excel Contractors specializes in premier countertop and bathtub resurfacing services. Since 2002, we have resurfaced countless tubs and countertops, stressing immaculate quality and unmatched value. Our resurfacing always features the most efficient, safe and cost-effective finish options that produce durable results so that your new finish is not only beautiful, but sustainable.
When it comes to optimizing the look and feel of your surfaces, completely replacing your existing material is a time consuming and costly option. Many people find that the burden of replacement or covering up old, existing surfaces is not worth the hassle to justify the cost. Countertop overlays and bath inserts may seem like a viable option, but in reality only serve as a “band-aid” masking the root of the problem, rather than providing a sustainable solution. Additionally, overlays and inserts will not allow you to achieve the specific essence that you’re space deserves. The team at Excel Contractors assures you that resurfacing your countertops and bathtubs will prove to be less expensive and more efficient in the long-run, especially when you parter with our seasoned professionals who have perfected their craft.
We invite you to contact us today to learn more about our apartment turn services, and how our unmatched organizational structure will help you maximize profits and unit efficiency.